Configure AWS EC2 using AWS CLI

Ashutosh Kulkarni
Mar 20, 2021

🔅Task description:

  1. Create a key pair
    2. Create a security group
    3. Launch an instance using the above
    created key pair and security group.
    4. Create an EBS volume of 1 GB.
    5. The final step is to attach the
    above created EBS volume to the
    instance you created in the previous steps.

First of all configure aws cli using aws configure command :

  1. Create key pair:

#aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name myclikey

2. Create security group:

Use following command to create security group:

3. Authorize the security group :

Adding ingress rules for ssh to do remote login to the instance.

4.Launch instance:

Launching instance using previously created key pair and security group.

5. Create and Attach EBS volume:

Creating the volume of 1 GB size in the same availability zone as instance.

Thank you!

